
Happy Friday, faithful followers and fellow seekers of sunshine!

It’s been another wacky week weather-wise here in the True North Strong & Free, with temperatures going up and down like a toilet seat.

Freezing rain in the Maritimes on the heels of a nasty Nor’easter the previous week. Snow in Calgary, -20 in Saskatoon. Sunny and warm here on Wednesday; dreary grey and cold the past two days. Now it’s raining.

Basically, it’s been spring one day, winter the next.  Not perfect, but no matter how you cut it, it sure beats non-stop winter day after day after unrelenting day.

The best news of the week is that  my garden is showing signs of waking up. Yes! I saw tender, little chartreuse shoots poking up in the front garden.

Look what I found! The excitement is almost unbearable.

Look what I found! The excitement is almost unbearable.

I’ll just ignore the patches of dingy, dirty snow still lurking in the shadier parts of the yard and pretend they are not there.  Soon, we’ll have warmer temperatures to go with the longer hours of daylight. Soon, we’ll have tulips and daffodils blooming and fresh green buds on the trees.

Spring bluebells,coming soon to a back yard near you!

Spring bluebells,coming soon to a back yard near you!

By the way, today’s fascinating fact:  not only did winter clobber most of North America, poor England had more rain this winter than it’s had in a 250 years. The Economist said so, so it must be true. Isn’t that unbelievable?  TWO & A HALF CENTURIES. Let’s stop calling it ”global warming,” accept that there is definite major ‘climate change’ instead; and start dealing with this before it becomes a world-wide disaster.

Okay, enough whining, complaining, bitching and moaning.

It’s Friday, so on to the fun stuff. On the agenda this weekend: puttering in the kitchen with my honey, sipping on a nice glass of wine as we make dinner; watching my son play in the tennis club championship; a trip to the gym and cleaning the house; and fantasizing about what to plant in this year’s garden.  Oxheart and brandywine tomatoes, basil, kale, fingerling potatoes, swiss chard, carrots and beans.  Can’t wait for the first dinner with garlic scapes fresh from the garden, sauteed in a wee bit of butter.



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